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Anyone else feel like they blinked for the shortest second and summer is pretty much over?! I accidentally started labeling this as a July post and was shocked to find out we are ALREADY IN THE MIDDLE OF AUGUST. A little panicked since I still have so much I want to do during this warmer weather, but my heart longs for the soon-coming crisp mornings of fall (PSL latte in hand, of course #basic). Here are some of my random end-of-summer-holy-crap-it's-almost-fall-favorites lately <3

The fall edition of The Magnolia Journal has arrived! My heart could barely take all of the cute autumn decor inside and I had to check myself from drooling all over the hearty soup recipes inside. Defnitely marking those pages for those chilly, crockpot nights.

Target is launching its brand new brand at the end of the month (RIP Merona) and I honestly had my doubts. However, as soon as I saw this plaid tunic, I wanted two of everything in my cart. My closet is beginning for some new friends this season <3 (also RIP Wallet)

Patagonia is having a major sale on some of their fall essentials and I keep eyeing this baby everyday. Perfect to throw on for running errands, going hiking, pumpkin picking, basically ANYTHING you can think of. This fleece can do it all.

One of my favorite ways to spend my weekdays off is perusing the aisles of Hobby Lobby and jotting down decor ideas for our home. While the Christmas section gave me heart palpitations (retail life will do that to ya), I fell in love with all of the new scripted pallet signs. PU-LEASE take a look whenever you get the chance; you won't regret it.

This "Fresh Pies" sign from the dollar section at Target ^^
Nuff said.

FREAKING THOMAS RHETT AND LAUREN HAD THEIR BABY THIS WEEKEND. If you don't follow them on Instagram, do it immediately. Oh and pre-download his newest album set for September 8th while your at it too. "Sixteen" has been playing non-stop on my phone lately.

Been seriously considering getting a tattoo for a while and I'm trying to muster up the courage to just do it. I love this type of script, but I'm terrified of the hurt that will coming during it. If you got any ideas on pain tolerance, I'm all ears!
(But really. Cause even my ear piercing was scarring.)

Anyone else feeling bittersweet about the change of seasons? What are your favorites lately? Let me know in the comments below!

jumpsuit//Xhil at Target
necklace//Sugarfix at Target
sandals (old)//Target

Let's just say, finding a good jumpsuit is like finding a the perfect photo filter these days.
Out of the many ones I've tried on, nothing seemed to be flattering.

The front would be all baggy. 
The length would be too short.
And some are just plain mean and ride up your behind.

However, all of this changed when I tried on this striped wonder. The material is perfectly soft and the length is just right. I love the vertical stripes on the legs and the cinched waist, making it impossible for a dreaded wedgie to make a surprise appearance. Overall, this was the perfect outfit to hit the dance floor and jam out to "Sweet Home Alabama" at our friends' wedding this weekend.

Plus, they could double as pjs. Win-Win.