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Anyone else out there can relate to being an "extroverted introvert"?
*slowly raises hand*
While I love hanging out with my friends and going to new places around the city, nothing tops a peaceful evening at home. Some of my favorite weekend plans include slipping on my comfiest sweatpants, throwing my hair in a top knot and wearing three layers of sweatshirts AKA basically wearing a portable blanket around the house.
This weekend was lit, y'all. And when I say lit, I mean my candles. ALL WEEKEND LONG. The only upside to this eternal winter is the excuse to stay at home every night wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, canoodling with a giant bowl of popcorn and being practically super glued to my couch.

And what are the ingredients to a perfect night in? I'm so glad you asked.

Exhibit A: The Noms
My personal go-to comfort, staying-at-home meal in is quite simple.
1 Archer Farms Goat Cheese and Spinach Pizza
1 Cranberry Kale Side (for some vitamins in my life)
1 can La Croix sparkling water (may substitute with the occasional moscato)
1 bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips
(yes, you read that right. a BAG.)
oh. and popcorn. for a later snack, of course.

Exhibit B: The Wardrobe
If we're being completely honest here, it would be the rattiest pair of Nike sweatpants I own and wearing an XL sweatshirt from the hubby's football team.
But for cuteness sake, I would throw on these comfy herringbone leggings from Target (no longer sold), this cozy pullover from Old Navy and fuzzy slippers to complete the ensemble.

Exhibit C: The Treat Yourself Method
Besides catching up on all my favorite reality TV shows (Music City fans, you out there?), I also love this downtime to invest in true life motto: treat yo'self. With the Target Beauty Box I picked up this weekend, I did just that. For only 7 dollars (actually insanely cheap), I got seven samples of beauty products I've been wanting to try for a while. My personal favorites were the sweet smelling bath bubbles from Dr. Teal and Olay Regenerist Whips face moisturizer. And the best part is, the beauty box has coupons for ALL of the products inside, making it even more tempting to run out and buy the full size stuff. I am such a sucker for samples, but they honestly are the best (and most affordable) ways to find your new favorite beauty products. Plus, Target has more than one style of box to try from, so sorry bathroom cabinets. You're gonna be looking real full, real fast.

Oh darn. There goes my weekend plans again.

If you're anything like me, just a regular old pale-skinned Minnesotan, then the weather from the past few days just makes you want to crawl under the covers until the warmth of spring can coax you out. I've honestly debated whether I should petition the government for an extra week of PTO for all Minnesotans just because of the endless winter we seem to STILL BE ENDURING.
In April. #goodnesssakes

But, for every complaint I've made about this darn white stuff the past two days, I'm starting to realize there are so many other things about this great state that keeps me from just packing a suitcase and heading south (don't get me wrong, I've come veryyy close in the past 24 hours).

Some of these MN perks include:

-The grand and marvelous Mall of America. Because when you live less than 5 miles away from 550+ stores at all times, can you really get mad about a few inches of measly snow in your way? With a Chipotle, J.Crew and Doc Popcorn all among them?
No, not really.

-Tater tot hot dish. The key supper recipe in all Midwestern's homes. Because nothing says "enjoying winter" than consuming half a pan of this cheesy goodness, piled under four blankets and binge-watching an entire season of "One Tree Hill" on a Saturday night. Am I right?!

-Four seasons to enjoy every year. While sometimes I envy the eternal spring weather of our friends in California, it's got to be a little weird not to experience more than 1-2 seasons in a year. Is it Christmas? Who knows? Still 65 degrees and sunny outside. And when do you know it's fall time without breaking out your coziest sweater and curling up with a hot pumpkin spice latte to get you in the spirit? We Minnesotans are lucky for the ever-changing weather and all the fun activities that go along with it!

-And finally, our overall MN pride. I'm sure anyone who was watching the Superbowl this year just chuckled to themselves as the reporters interviewed attendees outside the stadium in the record-breaking-freezing temperatures this year.
Those fools. Who in their right mind would want to live in Arctic-circle conditions?
Yes, we endure long hard winters (like this one). And yes, it isn't always enjoyable digging out your car from under five feet of snow in the pitch black darkness of winter mornings.

BUT. We are who we are. We know what we can get through.
We are Minnesotans. And we are home.
*insert Vikings horn sound here*

And what better way to show off our love for this great state, than wearing the coziest of sweatshirts during this chilly season. LakeBound Clothing has the best outwear to throw on whether your running a late-night Target errand or just lounging around the house. All of their apparel has such a cute rustic feel to it, making you dream of cozy nights tucked next to a crackling fire in the northern woods of MN. 

Plus, it makes these last few nights of winter *fingers crossed* seem a bit warmer with a new favorite sweatshirt to throw on. Just sayin.